The protagonist of our story in Modern Genesis City, Night Ape is a vigilante and detective, patrolling areas where the Heroes League and police don’t have jurisdiction, such as the Docks and DeGen Alley.
Night Ape has a mysterious past, in which he was found five years ago by Griff on the Docks, with no memory of his past. With Griff’s help, whom he created an unlikely bond of friendship, he rebuilt some of his life and decided to become a vigilante, using his Alpha abilities to stand up for the regular Gens.
Griff invited him to join the League, he declined, after observing and disagreeing with the way the group handled the problems of the common citizens. Also, Night Ape doesn’t believe that heroes should be working with anyone, as the League does. Heroes should point the way for peace, work independently of the government.
What inspired Griff to push Night Ape to become a hero was his moral compass. He has an unbreakable moral code, and he’s willing to sacrifice everything for what is right. He’s also too serious, which makes himself at times the comic relief, especially when he makes a mistake and doesn’t take it very well.
On his path, Night Ape will face the limits and contradictions of being a hero, finding the need to work as a team, which will mean he will have to leave his safety bubble if he wants to save Gen City.
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